Being deported from the United States doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ll never be able to come back. There are a lot of rules about how to re-enter the US though, and it’s a good idea to make sure that you are doing everything by the book. Our Fairfax County deportation defense lawyers can help you learn more about immigration laws and when you may be able to come back to the United States.
Does it Matter How Long Ago I Was Deported?
Yes, it does matter how long ago you were deported because how and why you were deported will be a major consideration here. Depending on why you were deported, you will have to wait a certain amount of time before you are allowed to legally re-enter the country. You will have to wait at least five years to ask for reentry if:
- You were deported through removal proceedings when you first arrived in the country
- You were summarily removed at a US border or port of entry because you were inadmissible
- An immigration court proceeding was scheduled for you and you did not attend
The wait can be even longer for some people. If your deportation was ordered before an immigration judge, you may have to wait 10 years to re-enter the country. If you attempted to come back to the United States before that 10-year waiting period had expired, then you must wait 20 years to try and re-enter.
Is It Possible That I’ll Never Be Allowed to Re-Enter the US?
As bad as waiting a decade or more to re-enter the country may sound, some people have it even worse. Unfortunately, some people are never going to be allowed back into the United States after being deported. This rule usually applies to anyone who:
- Was convicted of an aggravated felony
- Came back to the US after being deported and removed
If either of these descriptions applies to you, it’s unlikely that you will ever be allowed back into the country.
What Do I Have to Do to Re-Enter the US?
Once your waiting period has expired, you have to file a USCIS Form I-212 Application for Permission to Reapply for Admission. You are also going to need to submit a lot of paperwork and evidence concerning your deportation and why you should be allowed back into the country. This can include evidence of rehabilitation since your deportation and proof of close family ties in the US.
How Can an Immigration Lawyer Help Me?
An immigration lawyer can help you defend yourself during the deportation process. If they are not successful or you do not have a lawyer and get deported, one can still help you if you decide to try and re-enter the United States. It can be difficult to convince immigration authorities that you should be allowed back into the country after you have been removed. There are no guarantees, but a lawyer can help you build the strongest possible case and make sure that all of your paperwork is in order. ,
Schedule Your Consultation
So whether you are worried about being deported or you are trying to make your case for re-entry, contact Goel & Anderson. We can schedule a consultation and tell you more about what our legal team can do to assist you.