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USCIS Reaches FY2023 H-1B Cap

USCIS announced today that it has received a sufficient number of FY 2023 H-1B Cap petitions needed to reach the annual quota of 65,000 for the H-1B Regular Cap and 20,000 for the H-1B US Master’s Cap. USCIS has completed sending non-selection notifications to H-1B employer-registrants’ online accounts. The status for registrations properly submitted for the FY 2023 H-1B numerical allocations, but that were not selected, will now show “Not Selected: Not selected – not eligible to file an H-1B cap petition based on this registration.” Given that USCIS has received sufficient petitions to reach the quota, there will not be a second or subsequent H-1B Cap lottery for FY 2023.

Employers seeking H-1B Cap alternatives, including cap-exempt H-1Bs and other nonimmigrant visa classifications to manage their U.S. workforce should consult with counsel.

This information is distributed for informational purposes only. For further questions, please contact a G&A attorney for assistance.

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